Marcus Ponce de Leon
Running forNH State Rep District 12
in 2023
Running as Non-Partisan Election
Current jobCommercial building inspector
Current residenceManchester
Time lived in NHNine years in Manchester.
Studied Cinematography to obtain Bachelor's of Arts at CUNY Hunter College
Best way to contact
Why are you running for this office?
I’m running for Alderman in hope of lending voice to the challenges and celebrations of residents here in Ward 5 at BMA meetings.
What qualifies you as the best candidate for this office?
I believe that every candidate brings unique life experiences to the job and a will to serve the public. I also believe that having had only two representatives over the past 30 years to the Board of Mayor of Aldermen in Ward 5 deserves an opportunity for representation that might be more inclusive, more hands-on and more accessible to all of the Ward residents than we’ve experienced in the past. I would do this through outreach events like office hours at Ward 5 community businesses throughout the length of service.
What candidates running for office in Manchester for races (other than your own) do you support?
- Will Stewart for Mayor
- Jason Bonilla for Ward 5 School Board Member
- Chris Potter for Ward 7 School Board Member
- Bryce Kaw-uh for Ward 1 Alderman
- Pat Long for Ward 3 Alderman
- Christine Fajardo for Ward 4 Alderman
- Mary Georges for Alderwoman at Large
- Pat Long for Ward 7 Alderman
What are your thoughts on and plans for addressing homelessness?
I don’t presume to have the answer to this question that sadly has plagued much of the world to date. I’m looking forward to working with community members, city officials and others dedicated to determining what works most effectively to address the challenge so that we might do everything within our power through the most impactful channels to provide relief to community members both experiencing homelessness as well as other residents and businesses affected by the associated challenges.
What are your thoughts on housing costs and plans for addressing those concerns?
Housing costs are another challenge that isn’t unique to Manchester. I’m open to considering viable paths to rent control that don’t disproportionately affect property owners, along with any other ideas or avenues that might provide rent relief to our city. Increasing housing stock is the most direct, impactful method to address the elevated costs in my opinion, and so I would like to continue pushing forward efforts to ease and increase development, with an emphasis on it being equitable, affordable, and accessible.
What are your thoughts on the city's snow removal and trash pickup services?
We could do a better job of placing accessible receptacles and trash cleanup in our parks and other public spaces. That’s something I’d love to see happen.
What are your thoughts on and plans on improving the city's medium and large business climate?
Housing. Medium and large businesses do a great job attracting talent to the Queen City; we simply have no housing for them to arrive and accept the available positions. We need to increase housing construction.
What are your thoughts on and plans on improving parks and recreation in the city?
Our parks and recreational spaces are seeing disproportionate investment, with areas like Ward 5 losing the only pool in the center of the city and no definitive plans to rebuild it. There’s a history of neglect of existing facilities all over the city while we receive grants or gifted items, like the new basketball courts at Enright and Wolfe parks, the Futsal pitch at Sheehan Basquille Park which are great targeted tools to bring families back into our parks while neglecting pools and dismantling baseball dugouts that have been well used in our parks historically. This needs to be addressed and turned around urgently in order to ensure that our spaces are inviting and functional for all community members.
What are your thoughts on how public transportation and infrastructure in the city can be improved?
I am in favor of Boston to Concord Rail, and increasing bus routes around Manchester and to connected towns and cities.
What are your thoughts on the current state of the city's civic pride and ideas on how to improve it?
The city’s civic pride does not feel nearly as inclusive as it should be, nor is it very consistent. I would like to introduce ideas and initiatives that promote Manchester’s rich diversity of cultural communities and are more present and public-facing at City Hall than we’ve seen to date.
What is your view on the main role of an Alderman?
An Alderman is intended to serve as the voice for the concerns and opinions of the Ward they represent at the BMA. This includes being accessible and responsive to those same residents, steps necessary to be able to give those concerns a voice at City Hall.