Pat Long
Running forWard 3 Alderman
in 2023
Running as Non-Partisan Election
Patrick Long is a lifelong resident of Manchester. Pat is a retired Union Ironworker who has been volunteering in the community since the age of 20, learning that volunteerism is the best way to contribute to his community.
Alderman & State Representative
Current jobRetired
Current residenceManchester
Time lived in NHBorn and raised in Manchester
High School and Apprenticeship
Why are you running for this office?
Continued focus on increasing Quality of Life to residents while respecting the Public’s Trust.
What qualifies you as the best candidate for this office?
Experience and organizational skills and ability in gathering consensus with my colleagues.
What are your thoughts on and plans for addressing homelessness?
Through data-driven solutions continue in effective changes.
What are your thoughts on housing costs and plans for addressing those concerns?
Cost remain unattainable for most, solutions with which reduces unit construction cost and incentive that deliver lower rental cost.
What are your thoughts on and plans regarding crime and public safety?
What are your thoughts on and/or plans for addressing concerns about property tax rates?
Concerns remain focused on responsible and quality of life increases for tax payers.
What are your thoughts on the city's snow removal and trash pickup services?
Continued work in progress.
What are your thoughts on the city's small business climate?
Manchester Economic Development Office (MEDO) continues in walking through the requirements with business and has had success in expediting new business to the city.
What are your thoughts on and plans on improving the city's medium and large business climate?
Supporting MEDO and acting on their recommendations.
What are your thoughts on the current state of the city's civic pride and ideas on how to improve it?
Volunteerism remains highly involved currently. The plan is in reaching out to residents not heard from and inviting them in participation.
What are your thoughts on any neighborhood specific issues in your ward as well as any plans on addressing those issues?
My focus remains on increasing quality of life for all of the Ward. Specifically the inner walkability and green space.
What is your view on the main role of an Alderman?
Main role of an Alderman is working in collaboration and respect with my colleagues in an effort to support my needs in the Ward. Public Trust is of utmost importance as my role of an Alderman.