Karen Soule
Running forWard 3 Board of School Committee
in 2023
Running as Non-Partisan Election
Married with one daughter and one granddaughter, Educator for close to 50 years as an elementary school teacher, not only in the states. But overseas in Japan, Iceland and Italy, .special education director, Building principal Supt of Schools. Worked part time at NH Dept of Education as the head of the Bureau of Credentialing and Educator Effectiveness. Now enjôy volunteering and travelling.
BristolNH Budget Committee,Ward 3 Manchester Board of School Committees NH. Budge Committee. Currently Ward 3 Manchester Board of School Committee Ward
Current jobRetired, volunteer
I have been an educator for over 40 years starting as a classroom teacher, speech-language therapist, Coordinator of Special Education, building principal, retiring as a superintendent of Schools. In addition, I have taught at the college level and was a member and eventually chair of the Professional Standards Board. After I retired I worked part-time for the NH Dept. of Education working in various roles to support educator effectiveness, working closely with the Commissioner of Education.
Time lived in NHWe have lived in Manchester for almost 12 hrs and I lived in Manchester from 1958-1961 when my father was manager of Forest Hills Factory Outlet
Bachelors degree in Education
Masters Degree in Educational Leadership
CAGS in Leadership
Best way to contact candidatekarensoule357@gmail.com
Why are you running for this office?
I believe in public education. The role of the Board of School Committee is to set policies and I want to assure that our provide equity and opportunity for “all” I want to be sure that we provide the resources necessary to implement curriculum and programs. The district is moving in a very positive direction and I want to help that continue. Lastly with the diverse population in Manchester that everyone connected to our school community understand culture and become culturally competent.
What uniquely qualifies you for the Board of School Committee?
I was an educator for over 43 yrs. My experiences as an educator has given me an opportunity to develop and implement curriculum and standards, understand the importance of professional development for educators, maximize resources, budgeting that Is fiscally responsible and the importance of everyone working together to educate our students.
What are your thoughts on the Manchester School District's relationship to city government?
We work closely with the city, all depts so that we maximize our resources to assure that our students are safe, families have the access to health services and our buildings and grounds are well maintained
What are your thoughts and plans for the number of public schools needed in Manchester (with breakdown of elementary/middle/high schools in that number?)
We have already supported the Supt recommendation for K-4,5-8 and 9-12. I am anxiously awaiting the SMMA facilities report for their recommendations. I have been active,y engaged in that process
Do all students in the city have the access to a quality education regardless of where they live? Please elaborate on your answer.
What are your thoughts/plans on improving grade-level proficiency scores?
Should the Manchester School District be autonomous from the city government, a department of the city government or something else entirely?
How would you address student equity?
What are your thoughts on extra-curricular offerings in Manchester public schools?
We should continue to build on what we have and increase our community partners as valuable assets to build them
What are your thoughts on per-pupil expenditures/costs per student?
Would like to see per pupil expenditures increased but know it is a very complex issue with our educational funding system in NH which in itself creates inequity and Manchester is no exception. With that said need to maximize our expenditures.
What are your thoughts on attracting and retaining high quality Manchester School District staff?
What are your thoughts on the Manchester School District's relationship with private schools, charter schools and other school districts that have tuition agreements with Manchester?
We do our best to work with them.
What are your thoughts on and plans on school safety?
Through our relationship with the Manchester Police Dept as well as the safety monies we have received we continue to do our very best to keep our students ,staff and entire school community safe.
What are your thoughts on and/or plans for addressing remote learning/other uses of technology in local education?
Will await further information and updates from administration and our technology team to include our chrome book distribution, systems in our schools as well as our district-wide systems.
What are your thoughts on or plans for addressing vocational and career-focused educational initiative?
Career-technical education is a Pathway for many of our students who are interested in the trades. Building our community partners that support this is very important p. If students can graduate from high school with certified certificates in their career of choice, ie LNA or prepared for internship in their career of choice
What are your thoughts on as well as plans for addressing issues and costs related to Special Education/IEPs?
Every student identifies through a referral, evaluation and determination if a student is eligible for an individual education plan to meet student needs which is determined by a team of professionals, including teachers specialists and families IEPs at an IEP meeting. We need to advocate for the federal govt to fulfill their commitment of funding for special education costs. In addition the state needs to fully fund catastrophic aid. It is far from fully funded and as increased numbers of students are identified Thea Lunt fu dead for each district has decreased