Andre Rosa
Running forWard 11 Alderman
in 2023
Running as Non-Partisan Election
Current jobSoftware Architect
Current residenceManchester
Time lived in NH12 years in Manchester.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Best way to contact
What qualifies you as the best candidate for this office?
I am the hardest worker and your cheapest option.
What are your thoughts on and plans for addressing homelessness?
Homelessness is a hard problem. Ergo, the City must run many trial programs and iterate. Running trial programs means picking specific metrics to measure, start the programs over short periods of time, collect data, compare, and decide whether to continue with the program or try something new. We should have several trial programs happening at the same time, including leveraging what programs we have today. My first trial program will be to sell the Elm Street sidewalks to their adjacent businesses with easement rights for the City. You can’t squat a sidewalk the City doesn’t own.
What are your thoughts on housing costs and plans for addressing those concerns?
Get out of the way, Planning Board! Get out of the way, Zoning Board! Build! Build! Build! Prices will go down.
What is your view on the main role of an Alderman?
Answer phone calls and get things done.